Ask & You Shall Receive
We’re all guilty of it. We beat around the bush because we are too scared or embarrassed to say what we actually want and how we actually...

A Day in The Life: Part I
There are 86,400 seconds in a day. 86,400 seconds to decide what you want to do, what you want to accomplish, and what you want to...

Why Bagels Are Always, Always Worth It
If you know me IRL you know my (unhealthy) obsession for breakfast food or any food actually. Like any other person in this world, I find...

Beach Waves Without the Beach
We all strive to have those perfect beach waves without having to try because lets be real we have no time and we're all real lazy. If...

But, do we really need to be friends?
The toughest part about a breakup is the aftermath. Yes, there may have been some pain during the breakup, but the actual breaking up...

So You're An ABC...?
So if you’ve been reading my blog for a while some time or from the beginning (shoutout to those who are loyal AF or my roommates) then...